
HOW ASTROLOGY WORKS is a mystery. An ancient art honed through thousands of years of practice, this age-old scientia intuitiva is based on the principle of correspondence, the notion that the universe is an interwoven fabric. The astrological concept of a celestial-terrestrial connection has been with us throughout the ages, reflected in diverse spiritual traditions the world over and epitomized by the hermetic maxim, "As above, so below."

The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection, in which are reflected the mythologems, i.e., the archetypes. In this vision astrology and alchemy, the two classical functionaries of the psychology of the collective unconscious, join hands.

— Carl Jung

Archetypes are symbols that speak to us from a very deep, collectively human place. "Mythologems" as Jung referred to them, is a term which conveys the multifaceted quality ("gems") of these universal themes ("mythos"). Similar to dream imagery, they are instinctively attractive, occurring throughout the world in interesting theme-and-variation motifs that can vary a great deal without losing a discernable and fundamental pattern. We find these representations collectives in all cultures, that suggests human beings everywhere dip into the same, communal pool. Archetypes are like riverbeds, Jung wrote, which dry up when the water deserts them, yet can be found again at any time. Each is like an old course in which the water of life flowed for centuries, digging a deep channel for itself. What a beautifully poetic mind Jung had.

Even though there is compelling observational evidence for astrology's underlying principle of interconnection, we have yet to discover the scientific mechanism that can account for it. Nevertheless, modern physics, systems biology and mathematics have been moving towards parallel understandings of the seemingly magical interplay of energy and matter: concepts that ancient wisdom systems, such as astrology, have understood for thousands of years.

Despite profound scientific breakthroughs since the early 20th century, a troubling lack of respect for the unknown and the mysterious remains. An odd, stubborn adherence to a narrow, mechanistic view of the universe, despite modern physics overturning that apple cart well over 100 years ago, is exactly what Jung was getting after when he stated: "I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud." A truly scientific mind seeks to remain open-minded, unbiased and curious: rerum novarun cupidus. As physicist Werner Heisenberg reminded us, existing scientific concepts cover always only a very limited part of reality and "the other part that has not yet been understood is infinite."

The concluding paragraph in Jung's introduction to the I Ching I think offers a useful way to hold non-rational experiences that exist outside of verifiable, mechanistic proof. His insights very much apply to astrology as well.

"The I Ching does not offer itself with proofs and results; it does not vaunt itself, nor is it easy to approach. Like a part of nature, it waits until it is discovered. It offers neither facts nor power, but for lovers of self-knowledge, of wisdom, it seems to be the right book. To one person its spirit appears as clear as day; to another, shadowy as twilight; to a third, dark as night. He who is not pleased by it does not have to use it, and he who is against it is not obliged to find it true. Let it go forth into the world for the benefit of those who can discern its meaning."

Book a Reading with Elaine

Spring Evening at Inokashira Park ~ Kawase Hasui

I currently offer two session options: 60-minute and 90-minute over the phone at US $175 and $225. For every reading, I draw up and analyze several charts: natal, natal aspects, transits, secondary progressions, solar arc directions, and the current solar return chart — the necessary foundation for a meaningful reading of the highest quality.

What Clients Have Said

"Elaine, your reading has enabled me to see the big picture as I've never seen it before. I've been aware of much of what you've spoken, but not had the clarity to deal with it. I really have had such an awakening with your reading, for which I will be forever thankful." — M.O

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"I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how often I go back to the reading you did for me. I listened to it twice, taking notes the second time, and now when I am feeling a little lost...or pissed off (:-) or just like I can't make sense of anything, I go back and re-read or listen to sections of it and it helps IMMENSELY! Thank you for all your talented and thoughtful work!" — T.F.

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blue moon art

BLUE IS THE COLOR of peace and contemplation. It symbolizes cool water and infinite sky — representative of the empty state from which all existence arises and returns. In Christianity, blue is the color of the Virgin Mary in her incarnation as Queen of Heaven, representing faith, compassion and love. Similarly, the Romans and Greeks earlier associated blue with Venus/Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love.

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"... your reading has enabled me to see the big picture as I've never seen it before. I've been aware of much of what you've spoken, but not had the clarity to deal with it. I really have had such an awakening with your reading, for which I will be forever thankful."  — M.O

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Over the past several months I've noticed that I repeatedly come back to your reading for grounding during challenging times. It continues to touch and guide me in the places where I need it the most. I've had several astrological readings and your reading has been the most meaningful in a way that has lived with me.  — D.R.

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The most recent articles are for my subscribers only, I no longer post links here, nor do I share articles on social media. Here are some select pieces from the archives.

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Coincidentia Oppositorium · SATURN ENTERS PISCES · Mar 7, 2023

Coincidentia Oppositorium

artEarly tomorrow morning here in California, on the same day as the Virgo Full Moon, Saturn, Lord of Karma, planet associated with structure, limits, obstacles and difficult lessons, will leave Aquarius, where it's been transiting for the past three years. Saturn entered this sign of society back in March of 2020, in perfect synchrony with COVID lockdowns instituted worldwide. Leaving Aquarius, a sign it rules and where it strides particularly strong, Saturn will now begin a transit of alien territory: the Neptune and Jupiter-ruled sign of Pisces.

Over the next three years, our most earthy, pragmatic planet, Lord of the Realm of Ordinary Reality, will be taking a trip through the sign of non-ordinary reality. When two such contrasting "flavors" are combined such as this, it always makes for a complex and unique stew: one that will take, however, extra effort, extra pains to get right. Let's examine the concepts that lie at the heart of what it means for us all when stoic Saturn moves through Pisces' Sea of Love.

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February 26, 2022

artI wish I had better reasons to write to you today. Planet-wide entrenched power continues its death and destruction rampage, dragging all of us closer and closer to extinction. The events happening in the Ukraine are horrific, and will probably result in destabilization of the region for some time.

Astrologically speaking, what is happening is highly Saturn-Pluto in nature, in both the apparent themes of the actual events (and their causes), but also indicated via transit. While the most recent Saturn-Pluto conjunction happened over two years ago now — January of 2020 — just two days ago, on the 24th, the day the bombing and invasion of the Ukraine began, Mars, the God of War, was transiting the exact degree: 22° Capricorn. This shows, not only how potent a trigger Mars can be, but also how long a degree can remain sensitized.

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Either a Rebel or Slave  THE SATURN-PLUTO CONJUNCTION · Jan 12, 2020

Either a Rebel or Slave

artTwo of astrology's heaviest hitters, Saturn and Pluto, have come together in an exact conjunction: an end-of-an-era alignment that brings to a close a long, almost 40-year chapter that began back in 1982.

Several planetary cycles converge with this turning-point conjunction, breaking shore on the turbulent tide of a complex lunar eclipse, with not only the Sun and Moon, as every lunar eclipse, but Mercury, Ceres, Saturn, and Pluto — all in a tight huddle, less than three degrees apart.

Disruptive and destabilizing Uranus, catalyst for change is also involved, stationing direct on the very day of the eclipse; and Eris, Greek Goddess of War and Strife, sister to Ares, God of War, has thrown a monkey wrench of her own into the works: tightly squaring the whole conflagration from Mars-ruled Aries.

SOMETHING WILD AND NEW is crashing into awareness right now, shattering an old, tangled knot of limitation and stagnation, all the while Saturn forces keep trying to re-tie the same knot: keep the status quo/gravy train in place, forces that have long been mobilized, entrenched and powerful.

Yet Pluto disintegration, death and renewal has been unleashed and there is no going back. The knot has unraveled. We are in the death throes of an old, outdated system that does not, like anything, want to die, and will not give up without a fight. But destiny, if there is such a thing, has arrived: the seeds of a brand new cycle, one that will build over the next three decades, have been sown. The Age of Aquarius is dawning, born from the ashes of human-made division and devastation.

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The beautiful Japanese woodblock print above, "Spring Evening at Inokashira Park (1931)," is the work of Japanese artist Kawase Hasui, a leading print designer of the shin-hanga period. Shin-hanga ("new prints") was an art movement in early 20th-century Japan with a return to a traditional ukiyo-e approach, where artists, woodcarvers and printers worked together, rather than one person doing everything. Shin-hanga flourished from around 1915 to 1942, resuming briefly, after the War, from 1946 through the 1950s.